The Liberty Bell and Its Legacy: An Encyclopedia of an American Icon in U.S. History and Culture

John R. Vileauthor

John R. Vile is professor of political science and dean of the University Honors College at Middle Tennessee State University, and author of numerous critically acclaimed works of American history.

The Liberty Bell and Its Legacy: An Encyclopedia of an American Icon in U.S. History and Culture



Pages 384
Topics Abolitionist Movement, Associations with the Bell;Bell-Related Tourism;Bell Tours and Displays;Bicentennial Celebrations;Casting of the Bell;Coins, Medals, and Stamps Featuring the Bell;Crack in the Bell;Declaration of Independence and the Bell;Inscription on the Bell;Popular Culture

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Liberty Bell and Its Legacy: An Encyclopedia of an American Icon in U.S. History and Culture

Author(s): Vile, John;
Contributors: Vile, John;

This A-Z encyclopedia will survey the history, meaning, and enduring impact of the Liberty Bell in American culture.

This title provides a one-stop resource for understanding the fascinating history and enduring importance of the Liberty Bell in the fabric of American culture, from the pre-Revolutionary War era to the present day.

The encyclopedia explains key concepts, principles, and intellectual influences in the creation and display of the Liberty Bell, profiles its creators and leading champions, and surveys the place of the Bell and its home in Philadelphia's Independence Hall within the political and cultural lexicon of the nation. Additionally, it discusses important milestones and events in the bell's history and provides a sweeping overview of depictions of the Liberty Bell in historical and modern art, music, literature, and other cultural areas. It thus not only serves as a valuable resource in helping readers separate fact from myth regarding one of our nation's most potent national symbols but provides a unique gateway for exploring the wider history of the United States.

  • Groups entries into a topical table of contents by subject area for ease of reference
  • Includes a chronology of events related to the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall
  • Offers a wide-ranging general bibliography of sources for further study of the Liberty Bell and its place in American culture
  • Illuminates a constitutional scholar's perspective on the importance and meaning of the Liberty Bell in an introductory essay

SortTitle: liberty bell and its legacy: an encyclopedia of an american icon in u.s. history and culture
Author Info:
John R. Vileauthor

John R. Vile is professor of political science and dean of the University Honors College at Middle Tennessee State University, and author of numerous critically acclaimed works of American history.

eISBN-13: 9781440872914
Cover Image URL: ~~FreeAttachments/9781440872914.jpg
Print ISBN-13: 9781440872907
Imprint: ABC-CLIO
Pages: 384
Publication Date: 20200131