Reading Michael Chabon

Helene Meyersauthor

Helene Meyers is professor of English and McManis University Chair at Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX.

Reading Michael Chabon


Libraries Unlimited

Pages 144
Topics Adult Services and Programs;

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Table of Contents

Reading Michael Chabon

Author(s): Meyers, Helene;
Contributors: Meyers, Helene;

The world of Michael Chabon comes alive in the first full-length, analytical guide devoted to this brilliantly creative writer.

SortTitle: reading michael chabon
Author Info:
Helene Meyersauthor

Helene Meyers is professor of English and McManis University Chair at Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX.

eISBN-13: 9780313355516
Cover Image URL: ~~FreeAttachments/9780313355516.jpg
Print ISBN-13: 9780313355509
Entry Code: EGR5550
Imprint: Libraries Unlimited
Pages: 144
Publication Date: 20100323
Series: The Pop Lit Book Club