Stopping Military Suicides: Veteran Voices to Help Prevent Deaths

Kate Hendricks Thomasauthor
Sarah Plummer Taylorauthor
Stopping Military Suicides: Veteran Voices to Help Prevent Deaths



Pages 184
Topics Brain and Frontal Cortex;Demographic and Behavioral Characteristics that Increase the Odds of Suicide;Divorce and Domestic Violence;Feeling Alienated and Misunderstood;Finding Theta;Incidence of Military and Veteran Suicide;Mandatory Training in Mental Fitness;Peer-Education

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Table of Contents

Stopping Military Suicides: Veteran Voices to Help Prevent Deaths

Author(s): Thomas, Kate; Taylor, Sarah;
Contributors: Thomas, Kate; Taylor, Sarah;
Abstract: Blending illustrative narratives from veterans with cutting-edge research, this book provides a model for a needed shift from treatment post-trauma to psychological training pre-trauma to prevent deep depression and resulting suicides.As suicides among members of the U.S. military and veterans continue at a rate higher than in the general population—at least 22 each day—and their calls for help become more tragically blatant, with three veterans waiting for treatment outside Veterans Administration hospitals in 2019 committing suicide, authors and former U.S. Marines, Kate Hendricks Thomas and Sarah Plummer Taylor, present a call for a new approach to help halt the needless deaths. Thomas, now a researcher and assistant professor of public health, and Plummer Taylor, now a social worker and adjunct professor, detail a plan to establish preventative training for mental fitness that will help psychologically "vaccinate" service members against depression and PTSD, the most common precursors to suicidal thoughts. Thomas and Plummer Taylor detail their mental fitness training program to shift from post-trauma treatment to pre-trauma prevention. Each topic addressed is illustrated with stories from veterans. Part of the solution, Thomas and Plummer Taylor explain, is to present prevention as something for all service members, and as a positive, strength-building, challenging activity for champions, as opposed to a post-trauma treatment only for "weak and broken" warriors.
SortTitle: stopping military suicides: veteran voices to help prevent deaths
Author Info:
Kate Hendricks Thomasauthor
Sarah Plummer Taylorauthor
eISBN-13: 9781440875083
Cover Image URL: ~~FreeAttachments/9781440875083.jpg
Print ISBN-13: 9781440875076
Imprint: Praeger
Pages: 184
Publication Date: 20201130