Alcohol and Drugs in North America: A Historical Encyclopedia [2 volumes]

David M. Faheyeditor
Jon S. Millereditor
Alcohol and Drugs in North America: A Historical Encyclopedia [2 volumes]



Pages 980
Topics American History;

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Alcohol and Drugs in North America: A Historical Encyclopedia [2 volumes]

Contributors: Fahey, David; Miller, Jon;

Alcohol and drugs play a significant role in society, regardless of socioeconomic class. This encyclopedia looks at the history of all drugs in North America, including alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, cannabis, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and even chocolate and caffeinated drinks.

Editor(s): Fahey, David; Miller, Jon;
SortTitle: alcohol and drugs in north america: a historical encyclopedia [2 volumes]
Author Info:
David M. Faheyeditor
Jon S. Millereditor
eISBN-13: 9781598844795
Cover Image URL: ~~FreeAttachments/9781598844795.jpg
Print ISBN-13: 9781598844788
Entry Code: A2950E
Imprint: ABC-CLIO
Pages: 980
Publication Date: 20130827
Subtitle: A Historical Encyclopedia

Table of Contents pages: 1 2

Table of Contents pages: 1 2