Re-Framers: 170 Eccentric, Visionary, and Patriotic Proposals to Rewrite the U.S. Constitution

John R. Vileauthor

John R. Vile, PhD, is a professor of political science and dean of the University Honors College at Middle Tennessee State University.

Re-Framers: 170 Eccentric, Visionary, and Patriotic Proposals to Rewrite the U.S. Constitution



Pages 416
Topics Politics, Law, and Government;

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Re-Framers: 170 Eccentric, Visionary, and Patriotic Proposals to Rewrite the U.S. Constitution

Author(s): Vile, John;
Contributors: Vile, John;

This book is the most comprehensive review of all the major proposals to rewrite, revise, or even replace the U.S. Constitution, covering more than 170 proposals from the nation's beginnings to the present day.

SortTitle: re-framers: 170 eccentric, visionary, and patriotic proposals to rewrite the u.s. constitution
Author Info:
John R. Vileauthor

John R. Vile, PhD, is a professor of political science and dean of the University Honors College at Middle Tennessee State University.

eISBN-13: 9781610697347
Cover Image URL: ~~FreeAttachments/9781610697347.jpg
Print ISBN-13: 9781610697330
Imprint: ABC-CLIO
Pages: 416
Publication Date: 20140715